Odyssey School Network

Odyssey Education

Odyssey Education is a French international education group whose schools around the world offer outstanding education from nursery to high school. Our schools combine the French curriculum with innovative teaching methods and an international outlook. Within the framework of the French national education curriculum, the group's schools offer academic courses in French, English and the national language of the host country from nursery school onwards.

Being part of Odyssey Education...


An international French education

  • French international schools offering an education of excellence
  • Multilingual teaching that opens up the world to our students


A fulfilling environment

  • A close-knit, caring community
  • Privileged establishments offering top-of-the-range service


Academic excellence

  • Fundamental knowledge
  • Multilingualism
  • General culture
  • Science and digital
  • Sports and human values
  • Method and reasoning


A personalized and active teaching

  • Autonomy
  • Differentiation and assessment
  • Project-based learning
  • Open-mindedness and valorisation

"Our commitment is not only to our students, whose success and well-being are our top priority, but also to the parents who are our daily partners. We strive to provide each student with an outstanding education while welcoming them and their families into a caring, internationally-minded educational community."
Luc CHATEL Chairman of the Odyssey Education Group & Former French Minister

Our Schools around the world

Odyssey Education brings together 13 schools of excellence in 12 countries across Europe, Africa and Asia. Recognised by the French government for the quality of its teaching, Odyssey has signed a framework agreement with the Agence pour l'Enseignement Français à l'Etranger (AEFE), confirming its role as a key partner in the French international education network.

Start their future today!

The administrative team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.